Data analysis, visualization, and science

      Work and project pages       Atmospheric science essentials

Images and links below open PDFs, interactive figures, and related conferences/publications.
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*I contributed in varying capacities to all projects except those marked with * (e.g. Atmospheric CO2 concentration, NCA5, VAERS, ..), i.e. no direct connection with those latter groups, but I wrote programs to analyze and visualize their data for informational purposes.

  ECOSTRESS land surface temperature, Silicon Valley, CA, USA – 2020.08.03
Santa Cruz County, Voronoi polygons from USGS landslide points; average annual precipitation, 1971–2000


  Climate data and projections, Santa Cruz County, USA

  Climate projections (temperature and precipitation), global

  • Python

  • Python, Matplotlib

  • Python, Matplotlib
  • Python, Matplotlib

  • Python, Matplotlib


  • Python, Matplotlib*

  • Python, Matplotlib

  • IDL
  • Eighth International Conference on Mars, 2014 (poster, paper)
  • Python, Bokeh, Holoviews, Panel*
  • Edge color = vaccination date. Clicking on nodes/edges dims unconnected nodes and edges.
  • Open in new tab: small, medium, large



  • IDL

  • IDL

  • IDL
  • Python, Bokeh, Holoviews, Panel*
  • Edge color = vaccination date. Clicking on nodes/edges dims unconnected nodes and edges.
  • Open in new tab

  • IDL

      Planewave form of the geostrophic streamfunction


  • IDL



  • Fortran, OpenDX





ECOSTRESS land surface temperature distribution, kernel density estimation, 2020.08.03

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